Olive Bread Recipe: A Delicious and Easy-to-Follow Guide

If you're a fan of bread, you're going to love this Olive Bread Recipe. Bread is a staple food in many cultures, and there are countless variations of it. However, olive bread is a unique and flavorful twist on the classic bread recipe that you're sure to enjoy.

Image Source: myloveofbaking.com
Olive bread is a type of bread that is made with olives and olive oil. The olives give the bread a salty and savory flavor, while the olive oil adds moisture and richness to the dough. The result is a delicious and aromatic bread that is perfect for sandwiches, toast, or simply as a snack on its own. In this article, we'll explore the history of olive bread, the ingredients and equipment you'll need to make it, and a step-by-step guide to making your own delicious olive bread at home.

History of Olive Bread

Olive bread is a delicious bread that has been enjoyed for centuries. The history of olive bread can be traced back to ancient Greece, where it was a staple food. The Greeks made olive bread by mixing flour, water, salt, and olives, and then baking it in a wood-fired oven. Olive bread was also popular in ancient Rome, where it was known as panis oleatus.

During the Middle Ages, olive bread became a popular food in Mediterranean countries like Italy, Spain, and Portugal. It was often served with cheese, cured meats, and olives, and was a staple food for peasants and nobles alike. Olive bread was also a popular food among sailors, who would take it on long voyages because it would last for weeks without spoiling.

Today, olive bread is still a popular food around the world. It is often made with a variety of different ingredients, including different types of olives, herbs, and spices. Olive bread is also a popular choice for sandwiches, and is often served with cheese, cured meats, and vegetables.

If you're interested in making your own olive bread, there are many different recipes available online. One popular recipe is to mix flour, water, salt, yeast, and chopped olives, and then let the dough rise for several hours. After the dough has risen, it is shaped into a loaf and baked in the oven until it is golden brown. The result is a delicious bread that is perfect for any occasion.


Making a delicious Olive Bread requires quality ingredients. Here are the key ingredients you will need for your Olive Bread recipe.

Types of Olives

The type of olives you choose for your Olive Bread recipe can make a big difference in the flavor of your bread. You can use either black or green olives, or a combination of both. When selecting olives, choose ones that are firm and plump. Kalamata olives are a popular choice for Olive Bread due to their rich, salty flavor. You can also use other varieties such as Gaeta, Nicoise, or Cerignola, depending on your preference.

Flour Selection

The flour you choose for your Olive Bread recipe will affect the texture and flavor of your bread. Bread flour is the best choice for Olive Bread as it has a higher protein content that gives the bread a chewy texture. You can also use all-purpose flour, but your bread may be softer and less chewy. For a healthier option, you can use whole wheat flour or a combination of all-purpose and whole wheat flour.

Additional Ingredients

Apart from olives and flour, you will need a few more ingredients to make your Olive Bread. Here are some additional ingredients that you can use to add flavor and texture to your bread:

  • Yeast: You will need yeast to make your bread rise. You can use either active dry yeast or instant yeast.

  • Water: Water is needed to activate the yeast and to hydrate the flour.

  • Salt: Salt is essential for flavor and also helps to strengthen the gluten in the dough.

  • Olive Oil: Olive oil is used to add flavor and moisture to the bread. You can use either extra virgin olive oil or regular olive oil.

  • Herbs: You can add herbs such as rosemary, thyme, or oregano to your Olive Bread to give it an extra flavor boost.

In summary, the key ingredients for making Olive Bread are olives, flour, yeast, water, salt, olive oil, and herbs. By selecting quality ingredients and following the recipe carefully, you can create a delicious and flavorful Olive Bread that everyone will love.

Preparation Techniques

To make a delicious Olive Bread Recipe, you need to follow the right preparation techniques. Here are some essential techniques to help you make the perfect olive bread.

Kneading the Dough

Kneading is an important step in making bread. It helps to develop gluten, which is essential for the bread's structure. The gluten network traps the carbon dioxide produced by the yeast, making the bread rise. To knead the dough, you need to mix the ingredients until they form a shaggy mass. Then, turn the dough out onto a floured surface and start kneading. Fold the dough over itself, push it away with the heel of your hand, and turn it a quarter turn. Repeat this process for 10-15 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.


Proofing is the process of allowing the dough to rise before baking. It's an essential step that allows the yeast to ferment the dough and produce carbon dioxide, which makes the bread rise. To proof the dough, cover it with a damp cloth and let it rise in a warm, draft-free place. The ideal temperature for proofing is between 75-80°F. Let the dough rise until it doubles in size, which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the recipe.

Once the dough has risen, punch it down to release the carbon dioxide and shape it into a loaf. Let it rise again for a shorter period, usually 20-30 minutes, before baking. This second rise is called the "proofing" or "final rise."

By following these preparation techniques, you can make a delicious Olive Bread Recipe that's sure to impress.

Baking Tips

If you are making an Olive Bread Recipe, there are some baking tips that can help you achieve the perfect loaf of bread. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Oven Temperature

The oven temperature is crucial when baking bread. Preheat your oven to 425°F (218°C) before you start baking. This temperature is ideal for baking bread with a crispy crust and a soft, fluffy interior. If the oven temperature is too low, the bread will be dense and undercooked. On the other hand, if the oven temperature is too high, the bread will burn on the outside and remain uncooked on the inside.

Baking Duration

The baking duration for Olive Bread Recipe is typically 30-35 minutes. However, the actual baking time may vary depending on your oven and the size of the loaf. To check if the bread is done, tap the bottom of the loaf with your finger. If it sounds hollow, the bread is ready. You can also use a thermometer to check the internal temperature of the bread. The internal temperature should be around 190°F (88°C) when the bread is fully baked.

It is important to let the bread cool down before slicing it. This allows the bread to set and prevents it from becoming too dense. You can also store the bread in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. Alternatively, you can freeze the bread for up to 3 months.

By following these baking tips, you can create a delicious Olive Bread Recipe that is sure to impress your family and friends.

Serving Suggestions

Now that you have successfully baked your delicious olive bread, it's time to serve it up! Here are a few serving suggestions to get you started:

Plain and Simple

Sometimes the best way to enjoy a freshly baked loaf of bread is to simply slice it up and serve it plain. You can cut the bread into thick slices or thin slices, depending on your preference. Serve it alongside a bowl of soup, a salad, or your favorite pasta dish. The bread will soak up the flavors of the other dishes, making for a delicious and satisfying meal.

Toasted with Butter

Toasting your olive bread and slathering it with butter is another simple and delicious way to enjoy it. The toasting process will bring out the flavors of the olives and give the bread a nice crunch. Spread a generous amount of butter on top and enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.


Olive bread makes the perfect base for bruschetta. Simply slice the bread into thin rounds and toast them until they are crispy. Then, top the slices with diced tomatoes, fresh basil, and a drizzle of olive oil. The combination of the savory olives and the fresh tomatoes makes for a delicious and refreshing appetizer.

Cheese Plate

Olive bread pairs perfectly with a variety of cheeses. Create a cheese plate with a selection of your favorite cheeses, such as brie, cheddar, and gouda. Slice the bread into thin rounds and serve alongside the cheese. The combination of the bread and cheese is sure to be a hit at your next gathering.


Use your olive bread to make a delicious tapenade. Simply chop up some olives, garlic, and capers and mix them together with some olive oil. Spread the mixture onto slices of toasted olive bread for a delicious and savory snack.

These serving suggestions are just a few of the many ways you can enjoy your delicious olive bread. Get creative and experiment with different flavors and combinations to find your favorite way to serve it up!

Storage and Preservation

Once you've made your delicious olive bread, you'll want to store it properly to keep it fresh and tasty for as long as possible. Here are some tips for storing and preserving your olive bread:


  • Room Temperature: Olive bread can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 days. Keep it in an airtight container or wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.
  • Refrigerator: If you want to keep your olive bread fresh for a longer period, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Place it in an airtight container or wrap it in plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.
  • Freezer: Olive bread can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Wrap it in plastic wrap and place it in a freezer-safe container or bag. Thaw it at room temperature before reheating.


  • Drying: If you want to preserve your olive bread for even longer, you can dry it out. Slice the bread and place it on a baking sheet. Bake it in the oven at 200°F for 2-3 hours, or until it's completely dry. Store it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 6 months.
  • Pickling: Another way to preserve your olive bread is to pickle it. Cut the bread into cubes and place it in a jar with pickling liquid (such as vinegar, salt, and spices). Store it in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.
  • Freezing: You can also freeze your olive bread to preserve it for longer. Slice the bread and wrap it in plastic wrap, then place it in a freezer-safe container or bag. Thaw it at room temperature before reheating.

By following these storage and preservation tips, you can enjoy your delicious olive bread for longer and reduce food waste.

Health Benefits

Olive bread is a delicious and healthy alternative to regular bread. It is made with olive oil, which is rich in monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Here are some of the health benefits of consuming olive bread:

1. Cardiovascular Health

Olive oil has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil help to improve blood vessel function, reduce inflammation, and prevent blood clots.

2. Digestive Health

Olive oil is a natural laxative that helps to promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and improve the absorption of nutrients.

3. Anti-inflammatory Properties

Olive oil contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to a wide range of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.

4. Weight Management

Olive oil is a healthy source of fat that can help to promote weight loss and weight management. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil help to reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness, which can help to prevent overeating and weight gain.

5. Nutritional Value

Olive bread is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is also low in sugar and saturated fat, making it a healthy choice for people who are trying to maintain a balanced diet.

In conclusion, olive bread is a healthy and delicious alternative to regular bread. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, which provide a wide range of health benefits.

Pairing with Other Foods

Olive bread is a versatile bread that pairs well with a variety of foods. Its savory flavor and chewy texture make it a great accompaniment to many dishes. Here are some ideas for pairing olive bread with other foods:

  • Cheese: Olive bread pairs well with a variety of cheeses, including feta, goat cheese, and Parmesan. Try serving olive bread with a cheese plate for a simple and elegant appetizer.

  • Soup: Olive bread is a great bread to serve with soup. Its hearty texture holds up well to dipping and its savory flavor complements the flavors of many soups. Try serving olive bread with tomato soup or minestrone.

  • Salad: Olive bread can be used to make croutons for salads or served alongside a salad for a satisfying crunch. Its savory flavor pairs well with many salad dressings, including balsamic vinaigrette and Caesar dressing.

  • Charcuterie: Olive bread is a great addition to a charcuterie board. Its savory flavor pairs well with cured meats like prosciutto and salami.

  • Grilled Vegetables: Olive bread is a great bread to serve with grilled vegetables. Its chewy texture and savory flavor complement the smoky flavors of grilled vegetables. Try serving olive bread with grilled eggplant or zucchini.

  • Olive Oil: Olive bread is a great bread to serve with olive oil for dipping. Its savory flavor pairs well with the fruity flavor of extra-virgin olive oil.

Overall, olive bread is a versatile bread that pairs well with a variety of foods. Its savory flavor and chewy texture make it a great addition to any meal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the essential ingredients for making a classic olive bread loaf?

To make a classic olive bread loaf, you will need flour, yeast, salt, water, and olives. The type of flour used can vary, but all-purpose flour or bread flour is commonly used. You can use any type of olives you prefer, but Kalamata olives are a popular choice. You can also add other ingredients like herbs, garlic, or sun-dried tomatoes for more flavor.

How can I adapt an olive bread recipe for a bread machine?

To adapt an olive bread recipe for a bread machine, you can follow the same steps as you would for making bread by hand. However, you will need to adjust the ingredient quantities and follow the instructions for your specific bread machine. Generally, you will need to add the wet ingredients first, followed by the dry ingredients, and then the olives. Set the bread machine to the appropriate setting and let it do the work for you.

Can you suggest a good olive bread variation that includes cheese?

If you want to add cheese to your olive bread, you can try making a feta and olive bread. To make this variation, you will need to crumble feta cheese and add it to the dough along with the olives. You can also sprinkle some feta on top of the bread before baking for added flavor.

What is the traditional origin of olive bread?

Olive bread has been a staple in Mediterranean cuisine for centuries. It is believed to have originated in Greece, where olives are a common ingredient in many dishes. However, it is also popular in other Mediterranean countries like Italy and Spain. Olive bread has since become a popular bread variation around the world.

How should olive bread be properly stored to maintain freshness?

To maintain the freshness of your olive bread, it should be stored in an airtight container or plastic bag at room temperature for up to 3 days. You can also freeze the bread for up to 3 months. To thaw frozen bread, simply let it sit at room temperature for a few hours or warm it up in the oven.

What are some tips for achieving a soft texture in homemade olive bread?

To achieve a soft texture in homemade olive bread, it is important to not over-knead the dough. Over-kneading can cause the bread to become tough and dense. You can also add some milk or yogurt to the dough for added moisture and softness. Lastly, make sure to let the bread cool completely before slicing to prevent it from becoming dry.

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